Calming, Healing, Rejuvenating!
Kashmiri Lavender Flower Tea
Kashmiri Lavender Flowers.
Hand-grown, hand-processed. Solar-dried by small scale farmers in their kitchen garden backyard near Srinagar, Kashmir.
Medicinal, culinary & household use. Mix 1/4 tsp flowers in hot water. Brew. For best results, replace as a health drink instead of tea. Apply lavender cool water on forehead before sleeping for Restful sleep. Drink lavender tea in between meals.
Flower of the Gods. Divine, Sweet, floral fragrance is soothing & relaxing. Helps calm your nerves. Anti Ageing. Rich in antioxidants. Relieves stress, improves mood. Sleep tonic. Helps in depression.
Once packet is opened, store in glass jar or air tight plastic jar. Consume quickly or Refrigerate. Residue-free produce catches weevils easily. Composting produce is the best option if spoiled.